Friday, January 15, 2016

Collateral Damage

I heard a conservative radio commentator telling a heart-wrenching story about a mass grave of children found in Iraq. The children had been murdered by ISIS. The commentator began an impassioned plea for ISIS to be taken out and wiped off the face of the Earth by the United States. I think anyone with an ounce of humanity left in them would love for ISIS to longer exist. However, the commentator (some people refer to him as "the Great One," including himself, although I am unaware of the source of this greatness) then, in the midst of his diatribe, said, "Who cares if there's collateral damage?!" So, put simply, his argument was: ISIS is killing children, so the Untied States should bomb anywhere ISIS might be back to the stone age even if children get killed in the process. Seems to me, children lose (their lives) either way you go with that argument. Call me crazy, but I bet the mothers and fathers of those children don't give a fuck whether their children were shot by ISIS or blown to bits by America. They would rather their kids still be breathing, I'm sure. But, hey, maybe if a child is blown up in the Middle East by America, a pony rides down out of the clouds on the back of a bald eagle and gives the kid a never-ending bag of cotton candy made out of freedom.