I know a couple of things that are NOT the answer.
One of those things is more war. More bombing. More death.
You don't cure cancer with more cancer. If someone has lymphoma...leukemia isn't the cure.
The other thing that is not an answer...and this is the one that will cause the most controversy...is your beliefs.
Your chosen faith. The religious beliefs that you profess....will not stop the killing.
I am not trying to belittle your faith. I know that it is a source of comfort for you. I know that it is how you identify yourself to the rest of the world. I know it's a reservoir of strength that you draw from on a regular basis with others who share the same faith. It is a special and wonderful thing.
But it is a personal thing. It is unique to you and those you worship with.
I have friends who are Christian, Muslim, Hindu. Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, and followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I respect them all. I love them all. But none of their beliefs or lack of beliefs will stop the killing. It works for you. Great! But if you think the way we stop the killing is for the rest of the world to worship the same god that you do, then you are almost heart-breakingly naive.
Now, if I may switch gears...I have a question.
Why do the terrorists hate us?
I don't have an answer for that, either, but I have an idea. And it's not, "They hate our freedom." What does that even mean?
The reasons they hate us are many and complex.
But, I'm pretty sure that one reason they hate us has nothing to do with "our freedom" and everything to do with the fact that we, America, are the country that sends flying death robots to reign fire down from the sky. A fire that murders their children. And if you think that our drone strikes, which are carried out with our tax dollars so that the blood on our hands is evenly distributed, ONLY kill the targeted terrorists, then you have been suckered. Just a few weeks ago, we, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital, killing everyone inside and the response from our military was, basically, "Oops! Sorry we fucked up."
At this point, there may be a mother reading this who is thinking to herself, "Why should I care what happens to those people over there? My son, my daughter, died in that desert hell hole fighting for our country. Why would I ever care about those people or what happens to them?"
And my response to that is...you have ever right to feel that way. I cannot imagine how intense the sadness is or how profound your loss.
Are we so calloused that we can pretend that the Muslim mother who lost her child because of our actions has lost any less or doesn't grieve just as intensely?
Like I said at the beginning, I don't have any answers. I spend most of my time telling dick jokes. You don't have to listen to me.
I have a question that I think is worth asking.
It's this:
What if...somehow...the American mother who lost her child to war in the Middle East, could...somehow...connect with the Muslim mother who lost her child to a U.S. drone strike?
What if they could connect and come to the realization that, even though they are from different cultures and have different religious beliefs, that they, in fact, as mothers who love their children, have more in common with EACH OTHER, than with the people in power who wage these wars?
What if that happened over and over again?
What would our world look like then?
I don't have the answer, but I think the question is worth asking.
Because, after all, there are more of us, the ones who feel powerless, than there are those who are in power.
I don't have any answers.
But, as long as I have the breath...
I'm not going to stop asking questions.
Because if we don't have life...what do we have?