Wednesday, August 3, 2016

YEEHAW! Death Spiral!

Well, it’s not without entertainment value. This whole death spiral of the Republican party that we’re witnessing. For most of my life, I’ve been told by conservatives that THEY are the party of God. THEY are the ones who support “traditional family values.” THEY are the ones who love the military. THEY are the REAL Americans and they America better than us liberals and progressives, because WE were the ones who wanted to DESTROY America. It’s kind of quaint to type that now. When you chose Donald Trump to be your nominee for President of the United States and when you continue to put a positive spin on every outlandish turd that he shits out of his mouth, well, you’ve blown all that other bullshit to smithereens. I’m talking nuclear annihilation. Trump is like Slim Pickens in “Dr. Strangelove,” riding a nuclear warhead straight into the heart of the GOP. He has shit on your religion. He has shit on the Constitution. He has shit on your leaders. He has shit on women and minorities and fire departments. He has shit on the military and those who have died fighting for this country. And you not only let him get away with it, you cheer it and hold your babies up to him, hoping a little bit of that Trump bullshit will land on them, too. After all those years of your pious, bible-thumping, we-are-the-true-patriots Americagasms, it turns out it was really about worshiping money and the people who have it and wanting someone to make you feel safe from all those scary brown people. Some of us kinda expected that all along, but I appreciate the conformation. What do I mean by “worshiping money and the people who have it?” Trump has money and in this country, if you can make money, you automatically are a SMART PERSON AND WOULD MAKE A GREAT LEADER. It totally does not matter if you were born into it and had a one million dollar head start on everybody else. Oh, and by “brown people,” I mean the Mexicans you’re so frightened of you want to build a wall to keep them out because Berlin had the right idea. I also mean Muslims, who have a right to practice their religion in this country, thanks to the Constitution you claim to revere so damn much. I’m also talking about that black family that lives in your neighborhood. The one you always said were some of “the good ones (wink),” until they put a Black Lives Matter bumper sticker on their car and became the enemy. That’s always been your thing, though, hasn’t it? Anybody, even your fellow Americans, who don’t share the exact same shiny-white vision that you have of this country is THE OTHER. It’s why you dry-hump the 2nd Amendment and hoard all the weapons you can, because you never know when you might have to fight your own government to stop tyranny (by the way, it will be the death of irony when you lock and load and drive off to the battlefield to fight the mean ol’ gubmint in your pickup truck with all the Blue Lives Matter and I Support Our Troops bumper stickers on it). Republicans love to remind Democrats that it was the Dems in the South that started the KKK all those years ago, as if nothing ever changes or evolves. I’d like to remind Republicans that they used to be the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. That grand old party is being brought down by a two-bit con man who fantasizes about fucking his daughter. Of course, if he wins, he could bring down the whole damn country.